
May 28, 2024 Two of our intern papers on text-entry topic got conditionally accepted at ISMAR’24. :sparkles: :tada:
Jan 26, 2024 Our intern Junxiao (Shawn) is off to start an assistant professor position at the University of Bristol, UK. Congrats!! :sparkles:
Jun 26, 2023 Our paper on text-entry method for AR (STAR) is conditionally accepted at UIST’23.
Jun 26, 2023 Our intern Taejun presented the STAR paper at UIST’23.
Mar 13, 2023 Our paper on gaze-based mode-switching was accepted at ETRA’23. :sparkles:
Feb 15, 2023 After a successful internship, my intern Shanaa is returning to the York Uni.